Audit a brand online as your customers see it

We produced this handy guide for you to use.

Beta Do It Yourself Documents + Infographics

Below you will find a series of downloadable and printable charts, graphs, equations and presentations.

Feel free use them, but credit us where possible and let us know how you got on. If you want us to review your brand for you then we will spend three days looking at your brand, and present back our findings in a short face to face session. Get in touch at the bottom of this page.

If you have any problems, please send us a message using the form below. The more feedback the better as we can help all with your issues.

Brand Matrix Diagram - DIY
Digital Brand Review DIY Guide

Downloads and assets

Brand Values Matrix

Blank Matrix Diagram

Use and print this diagram so that you, your team, your client or customers can compare and discuss what your brand is or should be.

Creative Brief Template

To help with your brand value matrix we urge you to fill in our standard Creative Brief

Presentation template

This Powerpoint presentation comes complete with instructions.

It contains all the slide templates you need as well as the graphs and equations.

Download Now

Contains instructions and full masters

Brand Channel Integrity Diagram
Brand Value Matrix Diagram
Brand Spider
Brand Values Deviation

Independent Digital Review

It is very difficult to audit your own brand as if you are a customer.

It’s for this reason we recommend “swapping” with a fellow marketer (You audit their brand, they do yours).

It’s also difficult to review a similar brand to your own.

We can do your review for you, and manage the internal process behind getting the very best from a Digital Brand Review. Get in touch to find out more and see if that is a valid option.

Creative Commons License
Digital Brand Review by Phenotype Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Main Website Slide

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