So perhaps not Frequently Asked, but certainly these are questions we have been asked by our clients and potential clients.


Why is this of benefit?

Each stage of the process has its own benefit:

  1. Simply finding and collating with a fresh view has been of benefit to our customers. Spending two days finding things pulls up hidden and old content. Looking at things without knowing marketing aims often brings up inconsistencies, typos and all sorts of bad things.
  2. Woorank, for example is a great quick online tool. But what their recommendations mean and which ones are of use, priority or even should be ignored is a valuable service, built in to our recommendations.
  3. The scoring metrics are the main takeout of the DBR. They can tell you how your marketing spend has done, or tell you if your strategy is correct. Most of all it describes which channels are doing well and how your brand looks online to your customers.
  4. Recommendations are divided between quick fixes and also longer term, larger strategies. A quick fix may be to look at typos on your Facebook feed. Longer term might be to look again at your video strategy.
  5. We meet you and your team if you wish to discuss your findings and more.

Another non obvious benefit is that because we do not ask for any information up-front about your brand, we can do competitive reviews using the same criteria – thus bench marking your brand.

Who have you done this for?

So far we have worked for many leisure brands, a supermarket, some financial companies, a magazine owner and of course lots of consumer brands.

What is a creative brief?

Our creative brief is the same one we have used for many years in order to ask as much as we can about a project. The outcome could be a logo, a website, a banner ad. Anything.

We re-engineer what the creative brief may have been for each channel.

And for reference here is our standard agency creative brief: phenotype-creative-brief

How do you score?

Version one of the DBR had a remarkably simple scoring system. For every point we mentioned we gave a tick, cross or hyphen. The more ticks the better. Nothing but ticks and you get a perfect score – simple.

Version two however is aiming to be very much higher in terms of academic rigour. Here it is important to be clear about what we are scoring. On the one hand the real power of this tool is about seeing what matches across the channels. So overlaying all the values of the different channels to make a perfect match will make a perfect score.

What is your process?

The process can be broken down into five stages

  1. Find and collate everything we can find about a brand across all sorts of channels
  2. Execute and explain a series of available online tools. Alexa and Woorank are the prime ones but we use a few more.
  3. Score and compare the channels to see if they match
  4. Write quick and long term recommendations
  5. Meeting and consultancy
What is the Matrix?

The Matrix is what we use to describe a brand and to compare the channels.

Brand values

  • Trustworthiness vs not
  • Fun vs corporate
  • Male vs female
  • Young vs old
  • Friendly vs aloof
  • Spontaneous vs careful
  • Modern vs traditional
  • High tech vs conventional
  • Accessible vs closed


Channel Usability, effectiveness and outcomes

  • Useful vs not
  • Popular vs unused
  • Validated vs experimental
What do I get for my money?

As with version one, you get a private report outlining your online brand audit. This contains our recommendations and the data of how we arrived at our conclusions. Those recommendations are divided between quick fixes and long term.

A fundamental part of the process is a meeting with you and stakeholders to present and go over those findings. There is a lot of information – we find for you what we think is key. More importantly we do a small task where we ask you for your brand definition. That way we an discuss how different, if at all, our description is. And if so, why.

For example one of the retail brands we have just completed came out with a great score, in that all online channels were broadly aligned (the best yet). However we found that the brand direction online and in the UK was at odds from what the brand felt.